Kethevane Gorjestani

Multimedia Producer and Reporter
Posts Tagged ‘sarkozy’

50 years on: Has France really let go of its former colonies?

April 2010

Francafrique, the name given to the secret and sometimes shady political and commercial ties between France and its former colonies, may finally be breathing its last breath.

During his run for president three years ago, French President Nicolas Sarkozy promised to get rid of “Francafrique.” Indeed, French analysts have predicted its death for years. Active speculation began in 1994, with the death of Cote d’Ivoire’s first post-independence president, Felix Houphouet-Boigny, who served for 33 years and was known as the “father of Francafrique.” Three years later, then-French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin signaled a turn toward greater neutrality by defining relations with Africa as “neither interference nor indifference.”

And yet, as 14 former French colonies are getting ready to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their independence this summer, a web of political, financial, military and personal ties still connects them to France. (more…)